Wednesday, October 22, 2008


The investment fundamentals for buying houses/units:

* P: POPULATION - growth in population will cause demand inflation, driving prices further up.
*I - INFRASTRUCTURE - infrastructure investment creates economic growth through employment, increased capacity, and increased quality of life.
*L: LOCATION - well-placed properties are finite, and their exclusitivity will always guarantee price premium relative to other properties that may look similar by specification.
*E: - EMPLOYMENT - people will only accept high rental conditions if they have a job that can match this level. Make sure that your investment is well placed to capitalise on multiple sources of employment in order to reduce risk.

S2S (Student to Student)

So its been no secret that I've been in the market to purchase an investment property recently.

The property in question is a 4/4/2 student accomodation unit within a resort on the Sunshine Coast. It has a a good yield, good location, and is located in a prime suburb and is a short (10 minutes) drive away from tourism, commercial and future industrial centres.

Been reading on how to maximise the rental returns of such a property. Anecdotal evidence suggests that demographic-specific catering can raise rents exponential to the cost of extra investment.

So, I've been thinking, what would I like to have in a unit as a student who has just arrived to start university with nothing but the clothes on my back and maybe a suitcase full of sentimentals?
* A desk for study ($100 per room - $400 total once-off) +5pw x4 - +20pw
* A broadband connection ($200 installation + $60 per month) $10pw x4 - +$40pw
* A lounge bed for my friends to stay over ($300 once-off)+$5pw
* A television ($200 once-off) +$5pw
* Air-conditioning ($1500 once-off) +$10pw

So, if I potentially added all of these things onto the base price, I would be getting $80pw more. At 80% occupancy, thats an additional $3360pa. But how much is my expenditure?

In the first 12 months, my expenditure would be $3320 on those figures. Cost neutral in the first year? not too shabby! Don't forget that 'taking care' of these amenities often places the unit in higher demand because students, being somewhat lazy and prone to procrastination, don't like to handle these things much.

The next 12 months are where the benefits come into their own. All one-off payments are accounted for, meaning that the only ongoing costs are internet at $720pa. Subtracting that from the increased rental and my returns in the second year will be a tidy $2640.

Not bad at all.

What sort of additions would I include for an inner city apartment tailored for young professionals or working couples?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Meaningful Management

To manage...

I know many people who one day hope to become managers in their respective careers. People who hold aspirations of climbing the corporate ladder, gaining influence and power, status and, in all probability, wealth.

But sometimes I wonder whether these people realise what they are asking for. And, without being offensive, I wonder if they have, or will EVER have, what it takes to be GOOD managers in their respective fields.

I'm very cynical about this sort of stuff. You see, I believe that most people in this day and age court the position title without ever really understanding the position description. Sad to think about, really.

If memory serves me correctly, I am actually a manager for my Dad's corporation in Philippines. And have been so for about 1.5 years. Pretty cool, hey? Of course, I'm getting paid $0 per year (worse than slave labour), I don't get any company benefits and up until now I've had very little say in what happens to the company apart from using social engineering to bombard Daddy Lim with an idea until he absolutely has to do something about it.

There has to be a better way.

So right now I'm taking the liberty of defining a new role for myself in this company. Using my smattering of experience in database and webpage design, research skills honed by years of physiotherapy study, and several modules in tourism marketing, I will now assume responsibility of the Corporation's marketing department. Which places me in charge of a grand total of 0.5 staff (that means the half-hearted receptionist because she's too nice to let me do this by myself).

There's alot of work to do, as the last two days have shown me. For example, I've got several books open in front of me detailing the intricacies of creating a 'Destination Website" for hotels. And then I've got another few pages on information regarding the evolution of travel iteneraries for modern backpackers and businesses. Trying to meld all the information together feels a little bit like juggling... you've seen the rhythm of it before, but the first time you pick it up, it just won't work for you.

But I'm trying. After all, I'm determined not to accept the title without having done the required work first.

Monday, October 13, 2008

House Me - Part 1

Not sure what has bitten me these last few days.

I've been obsessed with houses. Or more specifically, buying them. The market has been depressed for a few months now, which is a welcome change from the rapid growth of the last several years. Young investors will probably have about 1-1.5 years to capitalise on this brief reprieve if the economists are anywhere near accurate. I intend to be one of them.

But firstly, why the urge, and why now? I guess there are many factors: the need for cashflow; the desire to own a home; the ability to travel about to different locations without paying rent; the security of having a second low-maintenance income stream; and the urgency to mobilise dead cash. All these things together spell HOME. Oh, and I forgot to mention that, having lived independently for 3 weeks now and absolutely LOVING it (the responsibilities and chores in kind) my senses are so much MORE acutely attuned to the various characteristics of what makes a good house.

And it makes financial sense, too. Currently we (family) have two properties besides our own home. Both are fully owned. One has a house and is turning over a steady income, but maintenance is high because the house is old. The second is a piece of land with no house, and therefore generates no income. We don't want to sell either house because both are in pretty good locations - one of them has ocean views and the other is a stone's throw (meaning about 10 minutes) from Gold Coast. In the future, we're going to need a pretty robust cashflow to set up some business ideas I have in mind - which means that the current arrangement will have to change.

So how is it going to change?

The main gist of the plan is to use the piece of land that is doing nothing as collateral to secure a loan to finance the purchase of an investment property. The property in question will need to be positively geared such that it should turn a net profit of 2-8K per year. This will allow the loan to be repayed slowly but surely in addition to the contributions from mummy Lim and myself.

The second phase of the plan will involve purchase of another similar investment property in the vicinity of the first (to save on agent costs). This will occur when 50% of the loan of the original investment property has been repaid. This time, the Gold Coast property will be used as collateral. With two properties, one turning a net profit of 5-10K, two income streams refinancing the loan, the risk of defaulting and losing collateral to the banks is low. Tax credits can be gained from price depreciation in equipment and - within 1 year - we'll have added another $20K per annum onto mummy Lim's retirement income. Once the loans are fully paid off - give that about 5 years) that will be about $50K, and thats not including price inflation. And that doesn't include the increasing price of house and land values.

This all feeds into a longer term plan to secure an eventual housing portfolio of about roughly 6 properties that will eventually be used as collateral to expand Daddy Lim's property business from Philippines to Australia. Of course, it will be pretty tough, what with the property market behaving like it has, lately, but tough doen't mean undoable.

So let's get down to business, shall we?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Rise and Greet Them

I'm at work at the moment.

That's right. Busily tapping on my keyboard. On the internet.

I'm not as slack as you might imagine. I've made sure I've done all my work, especially the urgent stuff that is a Big Thing to the various heads of department. I've tidied up, restocked my shelves, checked for more work to do... and finally, peacefully, get a few extended moments to sit down and (literally) stretch my sore legs.

Its appropriate to reflect on work habits when I am at work, right? Today, I was thinking about how I say hello to people. People skills are are to business what a set of chromium-plated lockpicks are to a Renaissance thief - critically essential. Following my cultural workshop, I thought it would be prudent (although i didn't learn anything new) to reflect on how I have built my existing mode of communication. And this is the PERFECT place to reflect on that. Here, at Dispatch (the place where everybody comes and goes) everybody comes and goes past me. Some of them stride past, head down with a determined fixation on the end of their nose. Others loiter around with friendly smiles and ready stories. Most are merely pleasant, with a ready greeting and an encouraging smile.

I try to acknowledge everyone. Even those who don't acknowledge me. But I'm starting to get a bit anxious that the way I do so is not, for all purposes and intents, technically right. You see, I tend to say hello at the same time as the other person says hello. This constitues Talking Over One Another. While it is perfectly acceptable for Australian culture, that assumes both people are talking at the same volume and can distinguish each other' greetings. My problem is that I'm too soft. And being spoken over means that people may never hear my greeting at all. Meaning they might regard me as ruuuuuuuuude. Bleh.

So what options are open to me? Speak louder? That's not my style, unless I'm quite close to someone. So I've opted for a different system, that is less culturally offensive than the verbal equivalent of having a playful joust. I'm using Concommitant Body Language, followed by an Alternating Hello. Sounds confusing? Let me explain.

When someone says hello to me, I use non-verbal cues to acknowledge them. Eye contact, a smile, a wink, a wave - something that screams (metaphorically) 'I'm listening!' Once they've completed their greeting, then I (and this is important) respond, 'How are you?' Geddit? I'm not speaking over them, but i'm still communicating all the time.

And thats the way it should be.

First impressions last. The first impression is generally the greeting. Make a good impression and who knows what may happen? You may in fact open up your way to a world of golden handshakes. Which, depending on your context, may or may not happen soon afterwards.


PS. Its a pretty damn hard system to change - communications, that is. I've been trying for the last three hours and I still forget myself if I'm not concentrating. Change doesn't happen overnight though. I remain optimistic.