Monday, September 22, 2008

Spring Clean! 2008

After several abortive attempts to blog on technology, a wise person would have given up. That's why I'm back here, trying just 'one more time' to make it work for me.

You see, I have a bit of an issue when it comes to technology. I DISLIKE tech. I dislike technology for making me read pages and pages of news just to keep up to date. I dislike it because it eats a hole in my pocket that would make hydrochloric acid seem nonreactive in comparison. I dislike it because it so often seems to stand in the way of the things I hold dear to my heart. Simplicity. Personality. Elegance.

Knowing that doesn't settle me, though. I still feel as curious as a mouse that's never sniffed cheese. Because there's a little part of my brain that purports my current reality as incomplete and therefore largely irrelevant. Its the little part of my brain that says... I can have my cake and eat it, too.

Design elegance is a hard thing to pin down. What makes an object attractive? Exclusivity? Reputation? Aesthetics? In a world where people scream ever louder that we are 'this' close to unlocking the secrets of life, we seem ever incapable of handling even the most basic facts. So its pretty scary to think that we might be shouldering a heavier burden soon!

The new focus of this blog (I didn't have much content previously anyway - 5 posts over 2 years?) will be on livable technology and business. Ideas, concepts and relationships that will... redefine me. After all, its time.

Time to dwell on the things that matter.

Dream Big